I know that most of you think you have the best husband in the world, and they probably are, but I truly believe mine might be a saint. I don't know if I mentioned in my earlier post that I had to have a C-section, but I did. The events that took place up to me having my section were actually pretty comical. I never felt any pain when I had my
abuption which was really nice, so it made for some great comments from myself. I have a tendency to talk a lot when I get nervous. Anyway, there were
at least 3 people in my room at all times when I started bleeding and they were all looking at my "who who". For some reason they all thought that they had to know what was going on down there, and I'm not really sure what they were looking for. When the doctor got to my room I found out that he had just moved to Atlanta and started at the practice that I used. I guess I got to break him in right. He was really great and made me feel really comfortable. However, he also had to look at was going on down there as well. He asked one of the many nurses for a flashlight and I thought that he would be using one of those little lights that most of the doctors carry around in their jackets. NOPE, I was wrong. He wanted a real flashlight!!! Now I know that I had gained some weight but I had no idea that when you got pregnant that everything down there grew so much that he needed a flashlight that could be used to spot light a deer. Of course my husband is beside me this whole time and watching in amazement as three people have got their hands all up in my business. Now he isn't the most sturdy when it comes to blood and bodily fluids, but I will give him props he held up well. He was so funny when we had a moment to ourselves after everything was over and he looked at me and said, " I know that I really didn't have to worry about hurting you when we had sex, but after watching everything that has happened today I know that there is absolutely no way that I could ever hurt you." I couldn't help but laugh. You know how men are with their egos and such, but I think after they watch their wives go through labor their egos have to shrink. My husband was absolutely wonderful through the whole ordeal. He always kept me informed when I was in recovery about what was going on with the boys. I have a really big family so he was also having to deal with all of them as well. I believe that he has finally gotten used to the fact that if I don't answer my phone or tell my mom what I am going to be doing she will call him and find out. I think at first this really took him aback but it is old hat for him now. I hope that your husbands are as great as mine and I would love to hear stories about what he did or didn't do when you had your kids. Hope all is well